Red Eye Reduction - Design Tutorials

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Red Eye Reduction

This tutorial will show you how to get rid of red eye. It's a very useful and easy technique.

Start out by opening your image in Photoshop.

Now if you're lucky enough to have CS2, you can simply select the new Red Eye Tool, located beneath the band-aid icon, and click on the center of the retina. This tool does a great job, but if you don't have CS2 yet, you'll need to keep reading.

Start by selecting the elliptical marquee tool. You can access it by clicking and holding down the rectagular marquee tool until it appears.

Using the elliptical marquee tool, draw circles around the retinas of the eyes. You can draw multiple selections by holding down the shift key. It also may help to zoom in a little when making your selection. I tend to cheat my selection a little on the large side.

Once you have a good selection, first thing you'll want to do is get rid of the red color. Do this by going to the menu item Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. Drag the saturation handle all the way to the left and click OK.

Note: Don't adjust the lightness in Hue/Saturation, or you'll lose your highlight and your eyes will look more like black dots. Read on...

Now you have solid grey eyes, which look pretty weird. You'll need to go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast now and drag the brightness down, this adjustment will keep you from losing your highlight. When you are satisfied with your adjustments click OK and there you have it!


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