Hot fire text effect - Design Tutorials

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hot fire text effect

Create a new document. Fill the background with black and then type your text in white

Go to Filter > Stylize > Wind and use these settings: Mothod: Wind, Direction: From the Right
Go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 degree CW, and apply the Wind Filter again (or hit CTRL F). Rotate and repeat until the text is again in its normal position. It will now look like this:

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and use these settings: Radius: 0.2
Go to Filter > Distort > Ripple and apply these settings: Amount: 100% and Size: Medium

Now you have to pay a little attention. Go to Image > Mode > Grayscale (a Flatten dialogue will show up, hit ok). Then go to Image > Mode > Indexed Color and now go to Image > Mode > Color Table and choose Black Body like this:



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