Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and design new logos using this technique to draw or design a text effect with glowing background and shadow text effect.
[1] Take a new file of 400 pixels, 400 pixels, of resolution 72 dpi in the RGB mode.
[2] First thing I filled the background layer with black, then click thelittle "eye" in the layers pallete to make the layer invisible.
[3] I am just doing this so I can seewhat I am doing for now.
[4] Now make the copy of layer Low seein the next image.
[6] Now select the Outer Glow Structure from theLayer style and use the following settings
[7] Now select the Inner Glow Structure from theLayer style and use the following settings
[8] Your image should be look like this.
[9] Apply this layer style to your bottom shape layer.
[10] Now select the Drop Shadow from theLayer style and use the following settings.
[11] When your done your layers palleteshould looks something like this.
[12] Your image should be look like this.
[13] Now you can make the Background
[14] Now make a new layer, make sure this layer is on the top Layer>Arrange>Bring to Front Cntl+Shift
[15] In the layer pallete change the new layersBlend Mode to color Dodge see in the next image.
[16] Finally go to Filter>Render>Clouds make sure yourcolors are black and white Press D, resets color.
[17] The Click the little "eye" in the layers palleteto make the layer visible.
[18] Your final image should be look like this.
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