Glowing shadow text effect - Design Tutorials

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Glowing shadow text effect

Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and design new logos using this technique to draw or design a text effect with glowing background and shadow text effect.

[1] Take a new file of 400 pixels, 400 pixels, of resolution 72 dpi in the RGB mode.

[2] First thing I filled the background layer with black, then click thelittle "eye" in the layers pallete to make the layer invisible.
[3] I am just doing this so I can seewhat I am doing for now.

[4] Now make the copy of layer Low seein the next image.

[5] Apply these layer styles toyour top shape layer.

[6] Now select the Outer Glow Structure from theLayer style and use the following settings

[7] Now select the Inner Glow Structure from theLayer style and use the following settings

[8] Your image should be look like this.

[9] Apply this layer style to your bottom shape layer.

[10] Now select the Drop Shadow from theLayer style and use the following settings.

[11] When your done your layers palleteshould looks something like this.

[12] Your image should be look like this.

[13] Now you can make the Background

[14] Now make a new layer, make sure this layer is on the top Layer>Arrange>Bring to Front Cntl+Shift

[15] In the layer pallete change the new layersBlend Mode to color Dodge see in the next image.

[16] Finally go to Filter>Render>Clouds make sure yourcolors are black and white Press D, resets color.

[17] The Click the little "eye" in the layers palleteto make the layer visible.

[18] Your final image should be look like this.


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