Photoshop: Modding faces with textures - Design Tutorials

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Photoshop: Modding faces with textures

Open up this eye close-up image in photoshop.
First let's trace around the eye with the pen-tool, if you don't know how to use the pen-tool follow the pen-tool photoshop tutorial. Just trace around the outer rim of the eyeball. Below is my pen-tool trace.

Hide this Eye trace by hitting the eye icon in the layers palette in front of the layer.

We need this trace because we're going to add textures to the face in the following steps and we don't want that effect over the eye, so we have to delete it when the time comes. It would make the eye look to weird, and we don't want that .

Then download the textures needed for this tutorial, unrar the rar and open Texture1.jpg. Take the move tool and drag it onto the "eye photo" project.

As you can see it's to big for the image we're using so re-size it with Ctrl+T (Transform mode shortcut), and re-size it down to a little bigger then the project.

Rename the texture layer to Texture 1 (Just double-click it in the layer palette, and type Texture 1). Change the layer mode to Overlay also in the layers palette.

Now we need our Eye trace we did with the pen-tool, Ctrl+Click the Eye trace to make a selection of it. Then select the "Texture 1" layer and hit delete to delete the inner eyeball part of the texture.

!!Important: Every time we add a new texture, we have to delete the part over the eyeball, so ctrl+click the eye trace to make the selection, select the newly added texture and hit delete on your keyboard.

Now let's add those remaining textures shall we. I numbered the textures in order so start by opening Texture2.jpg, now re-size this one with Image > Image size, enter these values: 501px width, 329px height, press OK. Then drag the layer onto our eye modding project, make sure it's above the other texture.

Change this layer's mode also to Overlay. And delete the inner eyeball part again.

To ease it up for you all a bit i re-sized the remaining textures to fit our project.

Open Texture3.jpg, drag it onto our project, make sure it's above the other textures, Change mode to Soft light, opacity to 32%. Delete eyeball part.

Open Texture4,jpg, drag it, make sure, change layer mode to Soft light, and delete some of this texture, leave the lower left corner intact, that corner needs something extra as you may have noticed. Erase with a soft brush erase tool.

Open Texture5.jpg, drag it, make sure, change layer mode to Soft light. DO NOT delete the eyeball part yet. First duplicate the layer by right-clicking on it in the layers palette and choosing duplicate layer. Then go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 180. Change this layers mode to hue and opacity to 43%. Now delete the eyeball part of both layers.

Open Texture6.jpg, drag it, make sure, change layer mode to Soft light and opacity to 88%. Delete eyeball part.

There we go, it was some repeating work with the different textures but the more textures you got the cooler the effect can be. The trick is to get the right balance between the total textures used and blending modes. Just experiment around with this, which shouldn't be that hard since it's lot's of fun to mod a face.

Group the layers together in a group called "Textures", if you don't know how to make groups follow the group tutorial.

The last thing we have to take care of is to mod the eye a bit so it fit's our modded face.

Ctrl+Click the eye trace, make a new layer UNDER the group of textures, or if you didn't make a group place it under all the texture layers. Fill this layer with black (#000000). Change the layer mode to Color, which leaves you with the following result.

Duplicate the layer we just made and change the blending mode to soft light and opacity to 81%.

Now we have a nice dark eyeball and pupil, but we need to color this pupil to fit our face and make it stand out on the eyeball, let's hop over to the next step.

Make a selection with the Eliptical marquee tool around the pupil, like so:

Make a new layer, and fill it with color: #737521. Change the layer mode to Hard light.

Ctrl+Click the eye trace, hit Ctrl+Shift+I to make the selection inverse, and hit delete to delete the surrounding part of the colored lens we just made.

Now we're finished with the modding of the face zoomed in on the eye Hope you enjoyed this free photoshop tutorial.


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